
What are you gonna do today?

Mary: What are you gonna do today, Nack? Nack: I'm gonna go to the library.

Good morning, Mary.

Nack: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Good morning, Nack. How's today? Nack: I'm good. And you? Mary: I'm good too. What are you doing now? Nack: I've just took a bath, then I'm writing the blog now. Mary: That's good. What time did you get up t…

Theme List

-Good morning, Mary. -What are you gonna do today? -What did you do yesterday?

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey guys!! It's Nack! How's doing today? Today is Sunday, June 6th and it's rainy and cloudy. Anyway, let's write the blog with me. RULES: 1. You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2. However, you should be more than …