
#846 ブログを毎日更新するための3つのコツ

#846 ブログを毎日更新するための3つのコツ - ココロを鍛えるラジオ - Radiotalk(ラジオトーク) 音声はこちらから 目次 ブログを毎日更新するための3つのコツ 1.「朝イチ」(もしくは帰宅後すぐ)に更新する 2.キッチンタイマーで制限時間内に書く 3.フォー…

What is your goal in this month?

Mary: What is your goal in this month? Nack: I'll talk you later. Mary: Ok, bye. Nack: Bye!

What are you gonna do today?

Mary: What are you gonna do today? Nack: I'm gonna tape youtube after this talk. Mary: Do you tape youtube everyday? Nack: Yes, I almost tape youtube in morning. Mary: What about youtube do you tape? Nack: I have three topics. One is about…

Good morning, Mary.

Nack: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Hi, Nack. Good morning. Nack: How's doing today? Mary: I'm good. And you? Nack: I'm good. I got up at 9. It's early for me. Mary: That's good. What are you doing now? Nack: I just took a bath, then I write t…

Theme List

-Good morning, Mary. -What are you gonna do today? -What is your goal in this month?

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey guys!! It's Nack. Today is Monday, May 24th. And it's cloudy. Anyway, let's write blog with me!!! RULES: 1. You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2. However, you should be more than 100 characters in a article. 3…