
#841 「話す」と「書く」を同時にやってみた

#841 「話す」と「書く」を同時にやってみた - ココロを鍛えるラジオ - Radiotalk(ラジオトーク) 今回のテーマは、 「話す」と「書く」を同時にやってみた。 「結論、かなり大変。。。」 どうすればいいか。 ・ある程度フォーマットを決めておく。 ・やっぱ…

What are you gonna do today?

Mary: What are you gonna do today? Nack: I have an online meeting this evening. Mary: I see. When is the meeting start? Nack: It will start at 19:30. Mary: What talk about is the meeting? What do you talk on the meeting? Nack: I don't know…

Good morning, Mary.

Nack: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Good morning, Nack. Nack: Today is Saturday, May 22nd and it's cloudy. Mary: Yeah. How's today? Nack: I'm good. I've just took a bath. Mary: Do you take a bath every morning? Nack: Yes, I do. I almost take a…

Theme List

-Good morning, Mary. -What are you gonna do today? -I wanna study about web marketing.

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey guys!! It's Nack. Today is cloudy. Recently almost everyday is cloudy or rainy. I feel blue... Anyway, let's write blog with me today. RULES: 1. You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2. You should be more than 10…