
What did you do today?

Mary: What did you do today, Nack? Nack: I ate KASHIWA-MOCHI this afternoon. Mary: KASHIWA-MOCHI? What's that? Nack: It is one of a Japanese sweets called WAGASHI. Mary: Oh, that's interesting. Nack: Japanese people usually eat Kashiwa-Moc…

Good evening, Mary.

Nack: Good evening, Mary. Mary: Hi, Nack. Good evening. Nack: How are you doing? Mary: I'm cooking dinner now. Nack: Oh, really? What are you cooking? Mary: I'm cooking OKONOMIYAKI. Nack: OKONOMIYAKI? I like this.

Theme List

-Good evening, Mary. -What did you do today? -English practice

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey guys!! It's Nack. Today was good day. Let's do it now!! RULES: 1.You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2.However, you should be more than 100 characters in a article. 3.You gotta write "theme-list" in the next ar…

I watched young Tony Buzan on youtube.

Nack: I watched young Tony Buzan on youtube. Mary: Is Tony Buzan creater of mindmap? Nack: Yes, he is.

What are you gonna do today?

Mary: What are you gonna do today? Nack: I'm gonna clean my room. Mary: Do you usually clean your room? Nack: Yes, I do. I clean my room almost everyday. Mary: Everyday?! Wow. Cleaning your room is your habit. Nack: Exactly. Mary: Why do y…

Good morning, Mary.

Nack: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Good morning, Nack. Nack: How's today? Mary: I'm good. I've just eaten breakfast. Nack: Oh, you did? What breakfast did you eat? Mary: I ate scranblled egg, bread and orange juice. Nack: It's American.

Theme List

-Good morning, Mary. -What are you gonna do today? -I watched young Tony Buzan on youtube.

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey guys!! It's Nack. Today's cloudy. Let's do it now!! RULES: 1.You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2.However, you should be more than 100 characters in a article. 3.You gotta write "Theme-List" in the next articl…