
What did you do today?

Mary: What did you do today, Nack? Nack: I went to bookstore. Mary: Did you buy some books? Nack: No, I didn't. Just watch books. Mary: What type books do you read? Nack: I read manga, world history, buisiness books, and more. Mary: That's…

Good evening, Mary.

Nack: Good evening, Mary. Mary: Hi, Nack. Nack: Have you eat dinner tonight? Mary: No, not yet. Nack: Me too. What are you gonna eat dinner tonight? Mary: I don't know. But I want to eat sushi. Nack: Haha. You really like sushi, don't you.…

Theme List

-Good evening, Mary. -What did you do today? -I like to play video game.

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey guys!! It's Nack. How's today? RULES: 1.You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2.However you should be more than 100 characters in a article. 3.You got to write "theme-list" in the next article. Good luck.

I'm into mindmap

Mary: How many times did you spend time for drawing mindmaps last night? Nack: Hum... It's about 3 hours last night.

What did you eat last night?

Mary: What did you eat last night? Nack: I ate a bread and chiken last night. Mary: It's good. I like that menu. Nack: Which do you like bread or rice? Mary: I like bread. Nack: I like rice. Because it is Japanese food and I'm Japanese. Ma…

Good morning, Mary

Nack: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Good morning, Nack. Mary: How' today, Nack. Nack: I'm so good. It's sunny. Mary: I'm good too.

Theme List

-Good morning, Mary -What did you eat last night? -I'm into mindmap

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey guys! It's Nack. Today's sunny and I feel fine. Let' do it!! RULES: 1.You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2.However, you should be more than 100 characters in a article. 3.You get to write "theme-list" in the n…