
What are you gonna do today?

Nack: What are you gonna do today? Mary: I'm gonna cook. Nack: What are you gonna cook? Mary: I don't know. Hum... I'm good at cooking Japanese food. Nack: Oh really? I like sushi. Mary: Me too. But sushi is too difficult to cook. Nack: I …

Good morning, Mary.

Nack: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Good morning, Nack. How's today? Nack: I'm good. It's sunny today and I feel fine. Mary: That's great!! Are you gonna go out today? Nack: Yes, I am. I'm gonna go shopping this afternoon. Mary: Yeah.

Theme List

-Good morning, Mary. -What are you gonna do today? -I'm into mindmap.

How many articles can I post within 10 minutes?

Hey, guys. It's Nack. Today's sunny and I feel fine. Let's do it! RULES: 1.You can post as many articles as you like within 10 minutes. 2.However, you should be more than 100 characters in a article. 3.You got to write "theme-list" in the …